Remember Me

23 Sep 2018

Wow, have we had some moving stories recently on Moodscope, haven't we? I've always appreciated the blogs, especially the ones where we really get to understand what we each are going through, but recently the sharing seems to be even deeper. This may be because I'm listening more intently...

I would like to say that we ALL have stories that become more valuable as we share them and listen to one another. Each story makes each of us more 'real' to the others... especially when we cannot see each other face-to-face.

Allegedly, I am rather memorable when you do meet me! Yesterday, in the span of just one day, I was described as, "The Character," by my accountant's wife, and as, "Looking like a Hitler Youth," by a teasing male friend! (I had on a black T shirt, braces and tan trousers with big boots as I was sorting out the messy job of moving stuff.) I know which description was my preferred one, and yet in both instances I'd clearly made a memorable impression.

Most of us will never meet face-to-face so that we can get a sense of one another through what we see. However, I want you to know that I remember you through what you write. What you write in the blogs and in the comments 'shows' something of your story to me – and I value that.

My encouragement, therefore, is to write more and more often. Share your story, share your insights, share your perspective and become involved in the exchange of heartfelt words within our trusted community. I want to know you better through what you write.

I'm also going to encourage you write and to 'publish' what you write. Writing is good for you, but you won't be remembered until you press 'send'! Seth Godin is my favourite business author, and he has had a huge impact on the action I take. One of his key messages is that we must 'ship' our 'art'. 'Art' for Seth is any output we create. He says it doesn't count until we 'ship' it – publish it – make ourselves open and vulnerable to the world out there. He also acknowledges that, while we're learning our craft, much of it won't be a masterpiece. His advice is keep writing until we produce something we love... and then keep writing. That's one reason I believe Moodscope's daily blog is essential. It gives you and I a voice, a canvas, a stage – and the show must go on!


A Moodscope member.

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